Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Week 8

It is week 8 of 24 of marathon training for me. Really since my trip to Dallas, where I still did at least two 6 mile runs, I have struggled with my schedule. This is partly due to a children's theatre camp I am helping with (doing choreography) for two weeks. We are on the final week. The schedule of going straight from work to camp until 9pm, plus my 40 minute drive to my town, not to mention not having air in the theatre and maintaining 50 kids (not even near as much as our director), has lead me to be pretty exhausted. Never the less, I have made post camp trips to the gym at 10pm to run on the treadmill. Treadmills are not my favorite, but I don't want to run in the dark for a number of reasons. So I make the best of it with speed intervals and such. Last night was a 5 mile run and below is my post workout photo. It doesn't really show the sweaty mess I was. 

Oh since last post I signed up for a half marathon that takes place almost a month after the KC full marathon with a friend of mine. Yay for running pals! 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Week 5 of 24 Weeks

I am in the middle of my fifth week of marathon training. Everything is going smoothly (aside from left shin pain :( ). I'm even waking up early to run in the mornings before getting ready for work! I had to essentially. I get heat sick so running over my lunch hour was a no and running after work finally became a no go too. I have done a couple of late night runs, but overall morning runs have been the way to go. I wouldn't say I am a morning person now by any means. I hit snooze, roll out of bed in my jogging gear, splash cold water on my face and am out the door. My first miles have been "wake up miles" at a sad (for me) 11 minute/mile pace. Then I make up for it in subsequent miles.
I'm trying to add more gym time aside from the alloted cross training day in the middle of each week. Distance running can deteriorate your muscles if you're not weight lifting as well.
My new favorite breakfast protein shake consists of Skippy Naturals dark chocolate peanut butter, a banana, almond milk, plain greek yogurt, fiber powder and vanilla whey protein. Better than a Sonic shake! Yummy!
So there's a quick update. CANNOT wait for the World Cup to begin next week!!! Go U.S.A.!!!! For Club and Country!

Happy Nation Running Day!!!