Thursday, October 7, 2010

Theatre Life

In the next couple weeks I will be performing in one show, learning blocking for another and reading through my lines for yet another show because I am a professional and someday someone is going to see that and theatre will be all I will be doing. No more full time office job. No more part time job. Just theatre. Paid theatre! Not that that is what is important. I've done plenty of unpaid performances and I will continue too. I do because I love it!

Next weekend my current show, A Flea in Her Ear goes into performance. It will run for two weekends the latter of which, that week I will start blocking for my following show, Woman in Black. It performs the weekend after the closing weekend of A Flea in Her Ear, which is Halloween weekend. Fitting, as Woman in Black is a ghost story. We'll have a Thursday night show, two Friday night shows (one at 7 pm and one at midnight) and a Saturday night show. Then I will go right into rehearsals for The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society's Production of A Christmas Carol. a mouth full, to say the least. That show will perform the first weekend in December. 
Before that though, I will be a model for two different designers walking the runway at an event the weekend after WIB.

So, that break that I said I was going to take after these first two shows...noooot going to happen.
The director for A Christmas Carol came to me though, e mailing me about how she had heard about my wonderful performance in Steel Magnolias as Shelby this past spring and said she wanted to cast me. I let her know about my November conflicts with the runway show, the Simply Tasteful party my mom and I got suckered into throwing (at my place), the tickets I have to see the Rep's production of but what else, A Christmas Carol and I let her know that I did not yet know about Thanksgiving, but that in the past I have traveled out of town. I assured her I am quick to memorize however. (Not sure you're supposed to end a sentence with "however". Oh well.) Oh lest I forget, I also work my part time job Wednesday evenings. I must work as many wednesdays as I can until tech week since I have been not working them over the course of this current show.

She informed me that the show was not terribly line heavy, that it was more involved blocking/movement wise. Last night the director of WIB came to my theatre where I was rehearsing A Flea in Her Ear to have a fitting for my turn of the century ghost costume for her show. Also she recorded my voice for a few of my lines in the show. The costume is incredible by the way! She also brought me the Carol script. I'm not sure what this director considers "line heavy", but I'm not even through Act One yet and I'm seeing that I'm going to be doing quite a bit of highlighting. Not a problem though. I will simply start working on my memorization that much sooner.
I'm actually extremely excited! I haven't really done a Christmas show since Jed's Holiday Wish in 6th grade in which I played a Genie granting one wish to a young boy on the eve of Christmas. So much for Santa.

So the plan is to then have the rest of December off and come January audition for Sealed for Freshness. That will get me half way into February and by then I'm sure I'll know of another upcoming audition. In fact it will be about time to head to Minneapolis again. Better luck this second time, I hope!

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