Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Acting Update

'Doubt' just closed this past Saturday evening. I portrayed Sister James in the parable. 
The film came out in 2008 starring Meryl Streep, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Amy Adams and Viola Davis. 

The play consists of only the four main characters. It was a different experience for me as I have been in mainly comedies. Being in full habit I had really only my face to work with to convey my emotions. This drama was thought provoking and I was honored to be a part of the cast. I only wish more people would have come out to see it. Comedies do tend to draw a bigger crowd and the crowd is larger still when the title o the play is one in which they are familiar. Steel Magnolias had a wonderful turn out for example. I can only hope that more people will be willing to explore theatre outside the box more often and support their local artists. 

Next on the horizon for me is a full length film. This film originally was a short that we began working on a year and a half ago. As with many of these local, small grouped endeavors the usual issues came up, money being a big one. Now the film has investors, has been expanded, has added a full crew and well on its way with filming beginning the end of October. I am reading through the script now and I will share more details as I embark on this film journey. 

Past that, I know of the possibility of auditions around Christmas time for a play that would keep me busy the beginning of the new year as my boyfriend will be deploying this December. This next year I shall keep myself busy with acting, possibly more modeling and the like in the hopes that it will not only fill my always hungry creative side, but also make time go by more quickly and smoothly while my love is away from home.  

Parenthood Tuesday

So... again... I finally get back on here and I see my "Happy Parenthood Day" post has recently been viewed by someone. What a coincidence that this happens to be a Parenthood Day as well!
The show started back up with its new season on the 11th and last night I finally got caught up on the episodes as I was in a play that just closed this past weekend.
Both of the first two episodes had emotional endings. It's funny how watching a couple on a television show can make you think about your own relationship. It is implied, not actually said, that Christina has breast cancer. With music playing in the over the scene you see Adam notice Christina is not ok and approach her. She says something to him and they embrace. You imagine what he must be feeling hearing this from the mother of his three children and also what she must be feeling after that doctor's appointment. It's heart wrenching.
Tonight's episode will go more in depth into Christina's condition. It's sure to be an emotional journey.
Also there's Victor's story line. He came in so late in the season finale, I had forgotten about him until I saw a Braverman family photo on facebook prior to the season premier and thought to myself, "now who is that little boy?"
This struggle between him and Julia and Joel reminds of pretty much the only other show I watch (but not caught up due to Netflix not having newer seasons so don't share anything with me past season 5, I believe), Army Wives and Joan and Roland when they choose adopt.
Enjoy tonight's new episode!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Long Time, Little Words

I'm going through and feeling a lot that I don't know how to put into words.
The guy in my life is with me all the time and there's been ups and downs like we never experienced before he left for his 90 days training.
It is official as it can be at this point that he will be leaving December 7th. A lot needs to happen in order for us to make it through that time apart with little contact. I know what I want, but there's things that I even want changed now. So will the things that absolutely have to happen, if they happen, make it possible even?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Birthday Time Cha Cha Cha!

So today is my birthday and it has been a pretty good day, aside from having to spend 8 hours of it at work, but hey - gotta make the money. Tonight I have rehearsal for Bus Stop. Acting is my passion so what better way to spend my birthday. Then I get to go home where an incredible man will be waiting for me.
This is going to be a fabulous year. It's going to have some very real and sad moments I realize, but this year is going to change my life forever.
As of right now, I have 18 days left with said incredible guy before he leaves for training in California for 90 days. I realize 3 months is not that terribly long, especially knowing I may be without him for an entire year starting this December, but all I can think is I can't touch him, kiss him, hug him, feel his hands running through my hair as he often does. I know I will talk to him daily and share everything with him just like I do now, but it breaks my heart to not have him physically in front of me. His smell! I love the way he smells. It's not a cologne or anything per say, but just his scent and I know it well and am in love with it.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Bus Spot Auditions

Wednesday night I auditioned for the newly formed theatre group in my home town. Their first show is 'Bus Stop'. I have auditioned for the role of Cherie. My audition consisted not only of cold readings from the script, but also of singing 'That Old Black Magic', which Cherie performs in the show. I feel fairly good about my audition, especially my singing. I almost never get nervous acting, but singing can give me the jitters a bit. Fortunately I controlled my nerves, which were few anyway surprisingly, and I sang pretty darn well, twice. He had me sing in more of a western style after I did my rendition. Also he said act like you think you're being sexy, but really you're kind of awkward. I apparently did this spot on and had them cracking up!
I got the e mail today that I have been called for a callback tomorrow afternoon. I'm looking forward to it. I'm curious to see what my competition is.
I also have a fitting tomorrow for Kansas City Fashion Week, which is February 25th - the show I'm in. Then Sunday afternoon I have a quick shoot where I'll have a quote painted on my body.
I'm glad Monday is a holiday then I suppose. Perhaps I'll bake something and then give the baked goodies away because they're not on my diet.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Change (Friends v. Relationship)

When your relationship reaches a new level and you're spending a lot of time together you're inevitably missing out on what your friends are doing. You know, those single gals you used to tear up the town with? Now it seems they're moving on without you, meeting other single girls to hang out with and meet men, but at the same time that's not your lifestyle anymore. What do you do?

It almost seems like you have to make a new set of friends, 'couple friends'. These seem like people who will understand when you want it to be just a you two night. They discuss their relationships and not how hot that guy is, who they slept with last night or who's bed they woke up in last weekend. That talk seems disturbing to me being a couple. Certainly not something I want discussed in front of the two of us.

My single friends don't seem terribly understanding of my wanting to have time with just my man and after two times of this I'm being talked about behind my back about how I ditch my girlfriends for my new boyfriend. This is not true. And I'm not saying I won't still see my girls and go out, but it makes me a little bit in a strange way miss being single. At the same time I know that can't go on forever and I'm getting closer to a big birthday, which makes me feel like it's time to settle down and start a family within the next few years (if that is in fact what I want, which I know I do). I've been warming up to the idea of having a baby. One of the friends I'm referencing has two kids! But she's separated from their Dad so she gets free nights. It seems that's the way to do it. Get married/in a serious relationship, have kids then split thus splitting kid time and getting freebie nights to live it up. That's how you have it all??

No, because I want love. Why do I feel like I'm teetering on this line? It's between fun girl nights, being single and meeting guys and falling in love, getting married, having a family and sharing my life with someone... which one sounds more meaningful? And really those single girlfriends of mine want that too; they're just not there, haven't met the right guy.

It's true we're not happy with what we have. They want what I have and a part of me misses what they have. Or maybe it's just a guilty feeling? Because I am happy. I am truly happy in this relationship I'm in and have never felt so reassured that this is right. It's for this reason that I want to spend as much time as I can with him. We make each other happy. It's just making that adjustment... that transition into coupledom. Making my evenings spent with him more about making dinner with him, talking/sharing with him rather than how I used to go out even on some week nights, drinking, staying out late... yeah it made for great stories and true we did some really stupid and dangerous things all in the name of alcohol and fun, but that's not me anymore. Sure I want to have girls nights and drink a reasonable amount and get home safely alone or to my boyfriend, but I'll just have to understand the fact that I will miss many nights of mayhem and I'll be ok with it because my time with him or with my family rather or even alone, just not taking part in that old craziness is cultivating something more and will hopefully lead to a even happier future.