So sometimes I just don't feel like writing. Other times I don't even think about it. I'm not going to force myself to write something that comes out awful. Today, however, I feel like catching up.
October 18, 2014 - I ran my first full marathon. I trained for it using my Nike + app on my phone. I used the 'Coach' feature inputting my goal, 26.2 miles, and the date of my race. From that, it mapped out a training schedule for me to follow. I'll admit to slacking some at the end while I was in a show. I was always running several times a week, but a few of my long runs towards the end were not as long as they should have been.
My goal going into race day was two-fold. One realistic goal and one more optimistic goal. I knew I could finish the race in under 5 hours. I wanted to attempt to finish it closer to 4:40. I came in at 4:53. My iphone/music/nike + died at mile 18. Coincidentally my calves started to feel like rocks at mile 18. Miles 18 - 23 were a struggle. I had pushed harder than I maybe should have in the first half of the race. I was ahead of the 4:40 pacers for a good chunk of the race. Then I saw 4:40 and 4:50 pass me by. I didn't let it discourage me though and by mile 23 I got a second wind. I just kept telling myself it was a 5K at that point. My friend, Kelly, was outside the chute cheering me on and telling me to, "finish strong". I did it. I ran a marathon. I dedicated my run to my Dad who has Multiple Sclerosis and to my Mom, his caregiver.
Just under a month later I ran a half marathon. This time Kelly was running. It was her first half marathon and she was nervous to say the least. I stuck with her and instead of coming in after 3 hours like she feared, we came in together at 2:46. It was 32 degrees at the finish and in the last mile snow was pelting us in the face. I'm sure she enjoyed my Christmas carols.
Now to plan the next one for a PR time.
Now that it has turned cold, I still plan to run. I don't have to be as strict since there is not a race planned yet that I am training for, but I will layer up and get outside in addition to some treadmill runs at the gym. I asked for YakTrax for Christmas. I do have a fear of slipping and falling in the snow/ice conditions. I am slowly getting back into using my Turbo Fire too. Dropping everything else and only running did no favors for my mid-section. So I'm looking to whittle that down before my Mexico trip in Spring.